10 Dangerous diseases abroad

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In many parts of our planet, we are spared from the nasty diseases that are out there in the world. As travel increases around the world, it is also important to provide information on the various diseases to watch out for and what you can do to prevent becoming infected.

These potential diseases shouldn’t prevent one from traveling unless the Foreign Office advises against a particular area. However, what is always good, is to be prepared and have as much information as possible before leaving.

Here is a list of some of the most dangerous diseases abroad that today’s news has developed with the help of Mats Halldin from Netdoktor.

1. Malaria

Malaria is found in Central America, South America, Africa and Asia. Mosquitoes spread the disease, and common symptoms are fever, nausea, vomiting, and muscle pain. To prevent the disease, one should buy mosquito repellent and ensure that there are mosquito nets at the hotel or at one’s accommodation.

Preventive malaria prophylaxis is also available for those who want to reduce the risk further. However, in most cases it’s absolutely fine to use mosquito repellent spray and mosquito nets on windows, or above the bed.

Don’t buy mosquito repellents containing DEET; it will hurt both your skin and the environment. Instead, buy something natural like citronella spray.

2. Dengue

Dengue fever has recently become more common. The disease is spread throughout South America, Africa, Asia, Central America and Australia. Although mosquitoes spread this disease, it’s relatively rare that dengue fever is fatal for adults, although the risk is always there.

Symptoms include fever, headache, and rash. Treating dengue fever with fluid, antipyretic and analgesic is possible. In addition to these treatments, there is not much else to do besides resting.

3. Typhoid

Contaminated water and food transmit typhoid fever, also people who become infected can transmit the disease. The disease is caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhii and available in Africa, Asia, and South America. Typhoid fever can cause blood poisoning and damage to internal organs such as the liver and kidneys, in the extent that it becomes life threatening. Fortunately, there are vaccines you can take before you travel to affected areas.

4. Rabies

Rabies is spread in many parts of the world. The disease is transmitted through the bite or saliva exchange with an infected animal. Rabies is fatal without treatment.

Vaccine is available.

5. HIV

HIV is common in many parts of the world. Blood and body fluids transmit the disease. There is no cure; therefore you have to be careful in areas where the disease is present at a larger scale.

6. Yellow fever

Yellow fever can be found in Africa, Asia, and South America. The disease is spread by mosquitoes, and common symptoms are fever, nausea and muscle pain. If you don’t treat it, the disease can cause liver damage or even worse, death.

Vaccines are available.

7. Japanese encephalitis

This disease is also spread by mosquitoes in the eastern parts of Asia. Virus disease can cause meningitis and produce lasting, life-threatening brain injury. Vaccines are available.

However, this is a very rare disease, and you don’t really need vaccine if you’re not going to live at a pigs farm during the effective months.

8. Diphtheria

Still common in several developing countries, the spread has increased in many eastern European countries such as Russia and Ukraine. Diphtheria is contagious through saliva exchange. The bacteria form a toxin that can be fatal and provide down- and heart muscle disorders. Swedes are vaccinated against diphtheria, but if it’s been over 20 years since they last got a syringe should update the protection.

9. Tetanus

Tetanus is a bacteria that infects when soil comes in contact with open wounds. The bacteria form a toxin that gives cramps and blocks the nerves. Swedes are vaccinated against Tetanus. Treatment is by antibiotics.

10. Cholera

Cholera can be found in Asia, Africa, Central America and South America. The Cholera is spread through contaminated water and can cause severe diarrhea. Drinking Vaccines are available to take before traveling.

Cholera is treated with antibiotics.

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