10 Facts about Spain

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Want to learn more about Spain? We have listed 10 facts about Spain that you might not know before reading this.

Spain is the only European country to have a land border with Africa

There are two Spanish enclaves in Africa, namely Ceuta and Melilla, which both have a shared land border with Morocco.

Spain has 17 autonomous regions

Many international tourists view Spain as a unified country, but there are big differences between various regions. In total, there are 17 autonomous regions which all have some self-governing rights.

The two most famous autonomous regions are Catalonia and Basque Country. Both of these have made claims to become independent nations. The other regions in Spain are Andalucia, Aragon, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Cantabria, Castile and LeĂłn, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Galicia, La Rioja, Madrid, Murcia, Navarre, and Valencia.

There are about 4000 beaches in Spain

Spain has thousands of beaches along their wide coastline and island groups. There is certainly a beach for every taste. In addition to a wide range of beaches, Spain also boasts having the highest number of Blue Flag beaches in Europe.

14:00 to 17:00 (2 pm to 5 pm) is Siesta-time

Siesta is an old tradition, dating back to Roman times. In Spain, almost everything will close between 2 pm and 5 pm. This tradition is still observed all over the country, even though the practice is slowly vanishing in bigger cities such as Madrid and Barcelona.

During this time of the day, the temperature is at its hottest. So people are enjoying a little time off to rest from the high temperatures.

Spanish people have two surnames

According to Spanish customs, each person has two surnames. You will inherit both your father’s and mother’s surnames. Contrary to other countries, when marrying someone, the woman will typically keep her own names instead of changing to her husband’s surname.

Photo: Natan Rubio / Shutterstock.com

More than 40% of the world’s olive oil is produced in Spain

Olive oil is sometimes referred to as Spain’s liquid gold. More than 40% of all olive oil in the world is produced here, with the lion’s share being produced in the regions of Andalucia and Catalonia.

Spain has the highest number of bars in Europe

Spaniards will typically socialize outside their homes. It’s customary to meet at a bar to have something to eat and drink.

This is one of the surprising facts about Spain since most people probably think of Ireland, Scotland, and England when it comes to bars.

No tooth fairy, but instead a tooth mouse

You’ve probably heard of the tooth fairy who comes to visit after a child has lost their baby tooth. However, in Spain, there is instead a “tooth mouse” known as Ratoncito Perez.

There are 5 official languages in Spain

Spanish is the official language of Spain along with Catalan, Galician, Arenese, and Basque. In Spain, the Spanish language is often referred to as “Castellano”.

Spain has a tradition of eating 12 grapes on New Year’s Eve

At midnight on New Year’s Eve, Spanish people have a rather unique tradition where they try to eat 12 grapes before the clock has struck 12.

For each time the bell strikes, you should have eaten at least one grape. This is done in order to get luck for the next year, and for each grape that you manage to eat, the more luck you’ll get.

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