New Recommended Regulations for Hand Luggage

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According to new recommendations from the airline associations, IATA, the max measurement of the hand luggage can be reduced by five centimeters. This wold help to avoid chaos during boarding since more and more travelers choose to only fly with hand luggage. 

– If it turns out that other companies are following these recommendations, we’ll also follow, says Henrik Edström, press officer at SAS to the Swedish Newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.

IATA has announced that several airlines, including Emirates, Cathay Pacific, Qatar Airways and Lufthansa have shared positive reactions to the new recommended regulations for hand luggage. These airlines have announced that they will soon change to the new hand luggage rules on their flights.

The max measurements for hand baggage will, according to the new recommendation, be 55 x 35 x 20 centimeters. If you compare these dimensions to the one that SAS uses today, this would mean a reduction of a total of five centimeters in width and three centimeters in depth.

– We have not yet taken a decision, but we do belong to the IATA, and if other airlines decide to follow these recommendations, then we’ll do the same, says Henrik Edström, press officer at SAS.

The reason of why they want to do this is said to avoid long queues and chaos while boarding the plane, but also to take advantage of the aircraft’s limited space in a better way.

– We know that the new regulations for hand luggage can be frustrating for passengers. This will counteract inconsistent assessments and help passengers get a better experience, says Tom Wind Muller, vice president of IATA.

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