76. Emperor tamarin Monkey, South America.
Photo: Kevin Barrett /creative common
77. Mantis shrimp, Indonesia & Pacific Ocean.
Photo: Tony Shih /creative common
78. “The Bald Eagle”, North America.
Photo: Jason Mrachina /creative common
79. Rhino, Africa.
Photo: Ian Turk /creative common
80. Bat, all over the world.
Photo: Andy Morffew /creative common
81. Walrus, Arctic ocean.
Photo: Alaska Region /creative common
82. Fire Flies, South America & Caribbean.
Photo: Mike Lewinski /creative common
83. Giant octopus, Pacific Ocean.
Photo: Wikipedia /creative common
84. Praying Mantis, all over the world.
Photo: Wikipedia /creative common
85. Frill-necked lizard, Australia & New Guinea.
Photo: Wikipedia /creative common
86. Beaver, Europe & North America.
Photo: Wikipedia /creative common
87. Cassowary, New Guinea & Australia.
Photo: Brian Gratwicke /creative common
88. Antelope, Africa.
Photo: Harvey Barrison /creative common
89. Hermit Crab, Mediterranian.
Photo: Wikipedia /creative common
90. African wild hound, Africa.
Photo: Lip Kee /creative common
91. Baboon, Africa.
Photo: Rod Waddington /creative common
92. Sting ray, South America.
Photo: Wikipedia /creative common
93. Dung beettle, Africa.
Photo: Arno Meintjes /creative common
94. Sea cucumber, in all oceans.
Photo: Wikipedia /creative common
95. Seal, Arctic & Antarctic areas.
Photo: Nathan Rupert /creative common
96. Sea Turtles, in all oceans.
Photo: Wikipedia /creative common
97. Warthog, Africa.
Photo: Joseph King /creative common
98. Blue ringed octopus, Australia.
Photo: Saspotato /creative common
99. Okapi, South America.
Photo: William Andrus /creative common
100. Thorny Dragon, Australia.
Photo: Steve Shattuck /creative common
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