26. Platypus, Australia.
Photo: Trevira /creative common
27. Alpacka, Andees mountains.
Photo: Wikipedia /creative common
28. Emperor Scorpion, Africa.
Photo: Wikipedia /creative common
29. Dolphin, All over the world.
Photo: Wikipedia /creative common
30. Zebras, Africa
Photo: Brian Snelson /creative common
31. Jesus lizard, Central & South America.
Photo: /creative common
32. Flying squirrel, Australia.
33. Camel, Africa & Middle East.
Photo: Jerrold Bennett /creative common
34. Whales, All over the world.
Photo: Richard Fisher /creative common
35. Vulture, Africa.
Photo: Adrian Korte /creative common
36. Blow fish, South America, Africa & Asia.
Photo: Saspotato /creative common
37. Chimpanzee, Africa.
Photo: Jenny /creative common
38. Grizzly bear, NordAmerica.
Photo: Gregory Smith /creative common
39. Jaguar, America.
Photo: Shanaka Aravinda /creative common
40. Paradise bird, New Guinea.
41. Kiwi, New Zealand.
42. Polar Bear, Arctic.
Photo: Wikipedia /creative common
43. Lion, Africa.
Photo: Ray Morris /creative common
44. Snow leopard, Central Asia.
Photo: Land Rover Our Planet /creative common
45. Hippo, Africa.
Photo: Steve Slater /creative common
46. Racoon, North America.
Photo: Jordan Crick /creative common
47. Anaconda, South America.
Photo: Wikipedia /creative common
48. Panda, China.
Photo: Nathan Rupert /creative common
49. Slow Loris, Asia.
Photo: Paul Williams /creative common
50. Sword Fish, Atlantic.
Photo: /creative common
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