26 festivals to attend before you die

When you travel, it’s important to have fun and experience new things. That’s why’ve made a collection of the ultimate 25 festivals that everyone should attend at least once before you die.

1. Dia de los muertos, Mexico

Dia de los muertos

When: 31 October to 2 November.
Why: Dia de los Muertos is a celebration fro the dead and living. A colorful display with excellent outfits and cultural experience.

Click here to read more about Dia de los Muertos

2. Tomorrowland, Belgium


When: 3 days in July month, often around the dates of 24-25 july.
Why: The world’s biggest EDM festival with the most famous DJ:s around the world, live in front of thousands of people from all over the world.

3. Boryeong Mud Festival, South Korea

Boryeong Mud Festivalphoto: Jirka Matousek / creative commons

When: 17-27 july.
Why: Throw yourself in mud and have mud fights and wrestle with friends and strangers.

4. Chinese New Year, China

Kinesiskt nyĂĄr

When: 8 February (2016).
Why: The Chinese New Year is a spectacular event with lots of celebrations and events. A must to experience!

5. Mardi Gras, New Orleans, USA

Mardi Gras

When: The day before Ash Wednesday.
Why: Party as if there’s no tomorrow and feel the freedom flow together with people from all over the world.

6. Octoberfest, Germany

Oktoberfestphoto: 46137 /creative commons

When: Last weeks in September to beginning of October.
Why: World’s biggest beer festival where people dress up in traditional lederhosen and folk suites. The atmosphere is legendary and the best of the best if found in MĂĽnich, where it all started in 1810.

7. Lantern festival, Chiang Mai

Lantern festival Thailandphoto: John Shedrick / creative commons

When: 24-26 November.
Why: See how the night sky lights up of thousands of lanterns floating around in the air.

8. Soweto International Jazz Festival

The Jazz Festival in Soweto, Johannesburg is a four-day celebration at the Soweto Theatre. It is held in mid-June where each day has its own theme. It’s one of the best and most fun jazz festivals in South Africa, and one that shouldn’t be missed!

When: 14–16 June.
Why: Great Jazz Music 

9. Pride Festival, Amsterdam, Holland

Pride Festival Amsterdam

When: 25 july to 2 august.
Why: One of the largest pride festivals in the world. Party with people no matter what their sexual preference is.

Also Read: World Pride Stonewall

11. Mistura Food Festival, Peru

Mistura Food Festivalphoto: Renzo Vallejo / creative commons

When: 4-13 September.
Why: One of the biggest food festivals in the world. Chefs from all ove rthe world come here to cook and enjoy the festivities of the Mistura. Go here and taste some of the best dishes!

12. Norwegian national day “17 May”, Norway

Norges nationaldag

When: 17 May.
Why: Norway’s national day is without a doubt the most celebrated in the Nordics. If there’s one national day out there that should experience besides your own, then it’s the Norwegian one! The streets are being filled up with happy Norwegians who dress up in folk suits in red and white.

13. Carnival in Rio, Brazil

Karnevalen i Riophoto: nateClicks / creative commons

When: 40 days before easter until the first full moon afterwards.
Why: Non-stop party and samba music, gigantic parades and colorful costumes.

14. Coachella, California, USA


When: 15-17 April to 22-24 April (2016).
Why: Camp outside in the desert, listen to music and hear some of the biggest artists play their best tunes. Coachella is probably the most wonderful festival out there.

15. La Tomatina, Spain

La Tomatinaphoto: nedim chaabene  / creative commons

When: Last Wednesday in August.
Why: The tomato war in Spain is famous worldwide. So, pick your chance and throw some tomatoes at strangers.

16. St. Patrick’s day, Dublin, Ireland

St. Patrick’s Day

When: 17 March
Why: See how all of Dublin turns into Green and party like there’s no tomorrow! Watch the parade and enjoy the festivities.

17. Harbin Ice & Snow Sculpture Festival, Harbin, China

Harbin Ice & Snow Sculpture Festival

When: 5 January to 5 February.
Why: World’s largest snow and ice festival with gigantic buildings and palaces made completely of ice and snow.

18. Carnevale di Venezia, Venice, Italy

Carnevale di Venezia

When: 31 January to 9 February.
Why: The carnival started already back in the 12th century and is one of the world’s oldest festivals. People gather here from all over the world to walk around and mingle, wearing colorful and majestic Venice masks.

19. Ultra music festival, Miami, Florida

Ultra music festival

When: 18 to 20 March (2016).
Why: One of the biggest house festivals where some of the most famous DJ:s are playing in front of thousands of people from alla over the world. The weather is nice and the atmosphere magical. In recent years, there’s also been Ultra Music Festivals in Croatia, South Africa, Buenos Aires and Japan on different dates, but the festival in Miami is the largest one.

20. Holi festival, india

holi festival

When: 24 March (2016).
Why: Holi, also known as the color festival where you celebrate that winter is gone and the beginning of spring. Throw color dust on others and around you, and see yorself in color heaven on Earth. The atmosphere is amazing and this is without a doubt one of the funniest festivals.

21. Festival de Cannes, France

Festival de Cannes

When: 11-24 May (2016)
Why: Film Festival in Cannes is visited yearly by the most famous celebrities and other rich people. Here you can party and go on exclusive movie premieries.

22. Comic-con, USA


When: 9-12 July.
Why: A true classic where you get to dress up as your favorite comic character and meet other comic “nerds” from all over the world.

23. Kings day, Amsterdam, Holland

Kings dayphoto: currystrumpet / creative commons

When: 27 April (26 April  if 27 April is a sunday).
Why: Kings day is a lovely festive day in Holland, and especially in Amsterdam where a big parade is being held.

24. Lollapalooza, USA och Argentina

LollapaloozaFoto: leonardo samrani / creative commons

When: 31 July to 2 August
Why: Music festival with many different genres and artist with everything from Hip-Hop to Rock n’ Roll.

25. Songkran, Thailand

Song Kran

When: 13-15 April.
Why: Become a child again and throw water on strangers and friends (even the police are in on it). This is the Thai New Year.

25. Albuquerque International Balloon Festival, USA

Albuquerque International Balloon Festival

When: 3-11 October.
Why: World’s largest festival with hot air balloons.

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